This is quite a magnificent piece.Handcrafted in the 1970's by an un named Navajo artist. Heavy gauge silver as was typical of this time period can be seen in every detail. The artist has used very high grade natural Lone Mountain spider web Turquoise.Each of the stones has a slight free form shape as the design seem to radiate out from the center cluster of stones. Smaller in size with a inside measurement of 5 1/4 with a 1" opening. If your looking for a unique and stunning piece of Native American jewelry then this is it. Lone Mountain Turquoise The Lone Mountain Turquoise Mine, near Tonopah, Nevada, was one of the leading producers of fine turquoise in Nevada. It was discovered by Lee Hand in 1920 and filed under the name of Blue Jay Mining Lode. At first it was called the Blue Jay Mine on Lone Mountain and later just Lone Mountain. It is presently closed. As with most mines, it was at first a tunnel and shaft project but when Menless Winfield bought the mine it was made an open pit operation. The turquoise from this mine is mostly good to high-grade and usually in the form of nuggets although there is a quantity of vein material. A very interesting occurrence of turquoise found here is a condition where the turquoise was deposited in cavities or molds left when parts of fossil plants were dissolved out of a harder rock. The turquoise is graded into golden matrix, black matrix and spider web. At present, most of it is cut and polished or the nuggets drilled and polished at the mine, making this is a very collectible turquoise, and rarely available in rough form.