Handcrafted ring by Navajo artist Bernyse Chavez. Set in a brushed finish sterling silver with genuine Sonoran gold turquoise and purple spiny oyster shell. The ring measures 1" x 3/4". The unusual design of the ring gives it a contemporary style. The stones and shells have vibrant colors.
Shell: Purple Spiny Oyster Shell -. In the American Oceans, the Spondylids occur along the North American coasts, as far north as North Carolina, on the Atlantic Coast, and northwestern Mexico Purple Spiny Oysters grow in deeper water, making them more difficult to find and harvest.
Stone: Sonoran Gold Canyon Turquoise is an interesting turquoise from Senora, Mexico, near Nogales, Arizona, and its neighbor: Nogales, Mexico, which is the northernmost point in all of Mexico. The series of mines bearing this name are on several sites contingent to the American border.