Bear fetish bolo tie by Navajo artist Calvin Begay.It features a main design of a bear fetish w/ heart line foating over a southwest mesa wtih a setting moon. Detailed inlay can be seen above and below the with arrows throughout. The carry on the design with bear paw tracks above a intricate inlay. The bolo is mounted on thick 10 ply woven black leather cord with a smooth flat strap on the back to provide a comfortable feel when worn. A true work of art that make you proud to wear.
Design: The Night sky & bear fetsih are a fossilized wood called Jet. The brown arrows are a picture jasper. The blue coloring is Kingmnan turquosie. The iridescent colors are a cultrued opal. The stars are sterling silver.
Measurements: Bolo tie inlay : 2" x 2" x 1-1/2" - Tips: cylinders are 1-1/2" long with dangle inlay tips 1" x 1/2" x 3/8". - Black cord is 40" long ( this measurement is for the leather cord only)